All about yours truly

“I must create a system
or be enslaved by another Man’s;
I will not reason or compare;
my business is to create.”
-William Blake
Greetings and Salutations!
My name is Christopher Tari, I was born and raised in Canada in the far off land known as Woodbridge (and no, there is no wooden bridge...as far as I know of). I had always loved drawing my ideas and thoughts on paper as far back as I can remember. Growing up reading comics, playing video games watching cartoons and movies had given me inspirations that has further brought out the artist in me.
With my work having a large range in different mediums, working with traitional drawing, film, and sculpture, a majority of this work does gravitate towards digital drawing and painting. My work has a great sense of fun and imagination, making creative works of the hyper-realistic impossiblity and the possible co-existing in the same realm. Even if it is ridiculous.
For high school, I went to The Country Day School (2007-2011) and then have studied at the University of Waterloo in their Honours Arts program with a Fine Arts Major and a Digital Arts Communications Minor (2011-2016). Afterwards, I went on to do a year long post grad at George Brown for Interactive Media Management (2016-2017). During my studies, I worked on the University of Waterloo's newspaper, Imprint (link can be seen below) providing editorial comics and images as Graphic Designer and working on the newspaper's layout as the Assistant Head Design Editor. As well as providing logos and shirt designs for local groups and school clubs.
I worked on an internship for sound artist David Jensenius (contact: http://david.jensenius.org/) from May to August of 2015, have provided logos and Graphic Designs for D&R Electronics Co. Ltd. (http://www.dandrelectronics.com/) and Darta (http://darta.ca/). Also I've provided designs to Youtube channels like Cinematic Reborn (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp2MbbqQfpyslYyJK6kV2Dg).
If interested or have any questions, feel free to contact me by clicking the "How to Reach me?" button.